Tag: homework

Are Video Games Good for Your Child?

Posted on by Kevin.

A new study found a correlation, not causation, between children with happy and balanced lives and playing video game for an hour or less per day. What I find irritating about this study is that this is common sense and yet someone paid lots of money to fund “scientists” to figure this out. Yes, for… Read more

The Real Screen Addicts of Silicon Valley…and Beyond

Posted on by Kevin.

Whenever I speak at a conference, someone always asks me to weigh in on the controversy surrounding whether or not to label excessive cyber behaviors as addiction.  I usually begin to tackle such questions by sharing conversations I have had with video game designers, marketing strategists, and industry executives.  These people understand how the brain… Read more

Autism, Video Games, and Social Skills: Lessons Learned

Posted on by Kevin.

It seems that for success in science or art, a dash of autism is essential. For success, the necessary ingredient may be an ability to turn away from the everyday world, from the simply practical, an ability to re-think a subject with originality so as to create in new, untrodden ways. -Dr. Hans Asperger Autism… Read more

I am a Neurotic Addict

Posted on by Kevin.

This is a guest blog written by Alex, a participant in my cyber addiction recovery groups, and the subject of several pages of my book (159-163). In the piece that follows, Alex gets to the heart of his problem. Alex will also be posting tomorrow. Some people have a passion for learning, while others find… Read more

Teaching Social Skills with Video Games

Posted on by Kevin.

A few colleagues of mine and I just finished putting on a week-long camp for boys, ages 8-11.  Like most summer camps, we played our fair share of dodge ball, capture the flag, and soccer.  We went to get ice cream, took adventure bike rides, and even engaged in some arts and crafts.  We also… Read more