This post is inspired by Russell Barkley’s contention that the problem with ADHD is not one of information. ADHD people know what to do, Barkley has so often contended, but they don’t do what they know. This certainly rings true in my life. After all, I am a published author and speak about ADHD all… Read more
Whenever I speak at a conference, someone always asks me to weigh in on the controversy surrounding whether or not to label excessive cyber behaviors as addiction. I usually begin to tackle such questions by sharing conversations I have had with video game designers, marketing strategists, and industry executives. These people understand how the brain… Read more
“Phil, he had 11 tornadoes for the month of April,” Becca told her husband. Phil had no idea what she was talking about. “What, are they studying the weather?” Phil asked. “No,” Becca fired back, her face snarled. “The teacher has a chart at the front of the room with every child’s name on it. They get a daily… Read more
We have just finished Day 1 of our Training Your Dragons Camp for ADHD boys (7-11). The camp is rooted in scientific data that suggest that frequent rewarding of target behaviors in ADHD children produces significant, behavior-changing outcomes. There is one staff member for every two campers. Each staff member monitors the two boys under… Read more
This blog is an interview with Kendra Wagner, who has devoted herself to helping ADD people succeed, especially in becoming better readers. This blog offers great insights into why ADDers have a penchant for the “screen,” and offers some great solutions on how to confront that. How can we help ADD-ers become engaged with non-screen… Read more