Tag: Positives of video gaming

Social Skills in Cyber Land

Posted on by Kevin.

This blog is written by Alex, updating us on his growing awareness regarding his addictive cyber tendencies.  If you compare this with his earlier post, I think you will see an unquestionable evolution in him. For me, the cyber world is a double-edged sword.  The sword metaphor is more than appropriate for me, due to… Read more

Violent Video Games: A Broad Perspective

Posted on by Kevin.

I am not a scientist.  The trouble with giving information to people like me, who comprise the overwhelming majority, is that we often confuse causation with correlation.  The latter term means that some relationship between two factors exists, but does not mean one causes the other.  Here is a classic example:  As ice cream sales… Read more

Do Video Games Imitate Real Life?

Posted on by Kevin.

While I personally feel that my ten-year, 14,000 hour gaming odyssey was a complete waste, I am not so naïve that I ignore the benefits of video games.  I write and have written extensively about the drawbacks and dangers of this 21st-century amusement, but I strive for a balanced perspective. Let’s not forget that a… Read more