Tag: ten-year gaming binge

Personal Responsibility Online

Posted on by Kevin.

I, like most people, have struggled in my life to create lasting change.  Realizing that most, if not all, circumstances in my life resulted from a series of choices, I ultimately learned to take responsibility, and thereby acquired a measure of control.  I was in my early thirties before I woke up.  Prior to that,… Read more

Fighting the Wrong Battle

Posted on by Kevin.

There are no convincing scientific correlations between violent behavior and violent video game play.  Yet, parent groups across the nation continue to vigorously fight this battle.  They lobby lawmakers, hold rallies, and press for strict limitations on violent games.  They have had some recent success. The state of California passed a law making it illegal… Read more

Bury Your Head in Cyberland

Posted on by Kevin.

Detractors of the cyber world frequently focus on sensational stories to make their point that video games, online social networking and the Internet are destructive.  They thrive on stories of people dying from blood clots after not moving from the chair during 20-hour gaming binges, or parents leaving infants unattended while they play World of… Read more

Do Video Games Imitate Real Life?

Posted on by Kevin.

While I personally feel that my ten-year, 14,000 hour gaming odyssey was a complete waste, I am not so naïve that I ignore the benefits of video games.  I write and have written extensively about the drawbacks and dangers of this 21st-century amusement, but I strive for a balanced perspective. Let’s not forget that a… Read more