I have been getting a lot of phone calls and emails lately regarding whether or not I believe excessive cyber behaviors rise to the level of addiction. I believe that cyber behaviors can and do meet the criteria for impulse control disorders and addiction, but the mental health community does not share my beliefs, at… Read more
Our drive to “stay connected” often verges on a dangerous obsession. Many of us are unable to regulate our usage of the cyber world, a fact that can bring unforeseen, and sometimes serious, consequences. A participant at one of my cyber recovery groups went into debt because he could not stop buying “currency” for Farmville,… Read more
This blog is written by Alex, updating us on his growing awareness regarding his addictive cyber tendencies. If you compare this with his earlier post, I think you will see an unquestionable evolution in him. For me, the cyber world is a double-edged sword. The sword metaphor is more than appropriate for me, due to… Read more
A recent study links excessive texting with a variety of health risks including anxiety and depression. I have done a great many cyber activities to excess: texting, Internet chatting, surfing the web, as well as my grave addiction to video games. I repeatedly say in my book, Cyber Junkie, that excessive and compulsive cyber behaviors… Read more
This is a guest blog written by Alex, a participant in my cyber recovery groups, and the subject of several pages of my book (159-163). In the piece that follows, Alex gets to the heart of his problem. Alex will be posting again later this week. I am not sure exactly when or how, but… Read more