Tag: Online social networking

Technology 101: Safety, Balance, and Awareness

Posted on by Kevin.

Technology is almost a sentient being, having a will of its own that projects itself inexorably into our lives. While these ubiquitous devices, that often feel like extensions of ourselves, have extraordinary benefits, use of them has an impact on the brain. The brain has an internal gardener that is forever pruning back some neural… Read more

Volunteering Your Way out of Addiction

Posted on by Kevin.

Tyler is now 19 and had a great deal of trouble in school. The rhythms of the academic environment just bored this very bright young man. His last year of high school, however, he went to a military academy, the intensity of which ignited passion and focus. He became one of the leading cadets. Upon… Read more

From Binge to Bottom

Posted on by Kevin.

On several occasions, usually in the summer or during vacations, I binged for something on the order of 50 hours on computer games. During these periods, which required chiropractor visits for at least a few weeks afterward, I would fall asleep in the computer chair, take a few naps, take care of biological needs, and… Read more

Bury Your Head in Cyberland

Posted on by Kevin.

Detractors of the cyber world frequently focus on sensational stories to make their point that video games, online social networking and the Internet are destructive.  They thrive on stories of people dying from blood clots after not moving from the chair during 20-hour gaming binges, or parents leaving infants unattended while they play World of… Read more

I am a Cyber Junkie

Posted on by Kevin.

Over the years, hundreds of cyber-addicted folks have trusted me with their stories.  I am sure that one of the big factors in such trust being placed in me comes from my willingness to share my sordid tales of cyber madness.  I am not just someone who helps cyber junkies; I am one myself. I… Read more